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Minggu, 28 April 2013

What Your Next Boss Really Thinks of You

If your boss told you to start preparing for your next job interview, you might be a bit alarmed.  But it would be good advice. Here's how to ace your next interview, but not by cheating or through some kind of easy 'trick', which would just help you into a job that you couldn't do and wouldn't enjoy. The right way to ace a job interview is to become good at doing your next job, and be able to prove it. That means you need to start preparing now, while you still have time to do some hard work.

Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Nearly Doubles The Risk of Rectal Cancer


Men who undergo radiation for prostate cancer have nearly double the risk of developing rectal cancer when compared to men who opt to have surgery to treat prostate cancer, according to a study published today in the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) journal Gastroenterology. Men who receive radiation for prostate cancer have a 70 percent higher risk of developing rectal cancer than those who underwent surgery, a risk similar to that posed by having a family history of the disease. 

"Men who have had prostate radiation should be aggressively monitored for rectal cancer starting five years after treatment," said Nancy Baxter, MD, PhD, lead study author with the University of Minnesota Cancer Center. "This is the first time rectal cancer risk associated with prostate radiation has been quantified, and these findings may also have implications for patients treated with radiation for other pelvic cancers." 

Tanggung Jawab Supervisor : JOINT VISIT

Salah satu tanggung jawab Supervisor atau Area Manager adalah meningkatkan produktivitas bawahan yang dalam hal ini Detailer / Medical Representative. Tanggung jawab ini dapat direalisasikan dengan melakukan Joint Visit.   Jadi joint visit merupakan salah satu kegiatan utama dari seorang Supervisor / Area Manager. Kegiatan ini harus dilaksanakan seefektif mungkin guna meningkatkan kemauan (motivasi) dan kemampuan ( skill & knowledge) dari  Detailer / Medical Representative sehingga terjadi peningkatan produktivitas kerja. Marilah kita tinjau apa yang harus dilakukan agar joint visit  ini lebih efektif.

Manusia Rata-rata


Istilah manusia rata-rata terdapat dalam buku “Dasar Dasar Sukses Anda” yang ditulis oleh W.J. Brown. Buku ini tergolong buku lama, kemungkinan diterbitkan sekitar tahun 1970-an, karena masih menggunakan ejaan lama.

Manusia rata-rata menurut W.J. Brown adalah manusia yang gampang merasa puas asal mereka dengan satu dan lain cara bisa tetap hidup. Nah, bagi siapapun yang ingin hidup sukses, mengenal lebih jauh sifat-sifat dari manusia rata-rata ini adalah satu poin yang bagus.

Sifat manusia rata-rata itu di antaranya adalah enggan untuk berusaha secara sungguh-sungguh, mati-matian dan membiarkan dirinya diombang-ambingkan oleh keadaan serta tidak bertindak atas kemauan sendiri. Tidak punya visi, takut dianggap beda, dan selalu ingin seperti orang kebanyakan. Tidak punya nalar kritis, terlalu mudah percaya, lekas takut kepada tanggung jawab dan suka cuek bebek. Istilah sekarang ‘emang gue pikirin’ (EGP).

Minggu, 21 April 2013

Go Ahead, Say You're Sorry (Part I)

By Aaron Lazare
Apologies can restore relationships--but there's a right way and a wrong way to do them.

We tend to view apologies as a sign of weak character. But in fact, they require great strength. And we better learn how to get them right, because it's increasingly hard to live in the global village without them. A genuine apology offered and accepted is one of the most profound interactions of civilized people. It has the power to restore damaged relationships, be they on a small scale, between two people, such as intimates, or on a grand scale, between groups of people, even nations. If done correctly, an apology can heal humiliation and generate forgiveness.

Yet, even though it's such a powerful social skill, we give precious little thought to teaching our children how to apologize. Most of us never learned very well ourselves. Despite its importance, apologizing is antithetical to the ever-pervasive values of winning, success, and perfection. The successful apology requires empathy and the security and strength to admit fault, failure, and weakness. But we are so busy winning that we can't concede our own mistakes. The botched apology--the apology intended but not delivered, or delivered but not accepted--has serious social consequences. Failed apologies can strain relationships beyond repair or, worse, create life-long grudges and bitter vengeance.

Mau Berhasil... Harus berubah

Untuk menjadi lebih baik selalu dimulai dengan proses perubahan, dan terkadang perubahan itu tidak mengenakkan bahkan menyakitkan. Apapun yang ada didunia ini pasti mengalami perubahan, era atau jaman pun juga terus berubah. Kita bisa menyimak (karena mungkin kita tidak hidup pada era tersebut) perubahan dari era agraris ke era industri. Berapa banyak area pertanian dan peternakan yang diubah menjadi lahan industri? Munculnya pabrik-pabrik serta perumahan untuk hunian para pekerja, tentu akan menggeser mereka yang masih menggunakan teknologi manual pada era agraris.

Juga kita bisa menyimak ketika era informasi muncul. Industri, instansi dan individu yang tidak memanfaatkan teknologi informasi akan tereliminasi di papan bawah bahkan menghilang dari peredaran. Informasi dengan fasilitas internet, menjadi raja pada era ini. Kita bisa melihat begitu banyak sosial media bermunculan, teknologi berbasis internet juga terus melakukan inovasi untuk bisa bersaing. Semua itu ada dan dilakukan, adalah agar bisa terus beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang ada.

Body Language Myths

by Joe Navarro, M.A
Prevailing myths about nonverbal communication.

The first myth claims that because we know so much about body language now, it is easy to spot a liar. The second myth, and it is exactly that, a myth, is that eye aversion is indicative of deception. Beginning in the 1970's so called body language experts began to prattle that body language was the key to determining if someone was lying. Both law enforcement officers and the general public bought into this, and even today, with shows such as Fox Television's "Lie to Me" the myth continues.

In 1985, Paul Ekman and other researchers looked at this myth and found that most of us are no better than chance (50/50) at detecting deception, and very few of us rise above chance. What are often mistaken for signs of deception (nose touching, mouth covering, eye closing, high pitched voice, et. al.) are really pacifiers that help us to relieve stress. These pacifying behaviors are employed both by the guilty and innocent to relieve the stress of an interview. Ekman's work has been replicated many times over and it remains axiomatic, we humans are not very good at detecting deception, even experienced FBI agents such as myself.

Sabtu, 13 April 2013

Membangun Kepercayaan kepada Manajer Anda

“Apakah Anda mempercayai orang yang memimpin bawahan Anda?”

Ketika setiap pemimpin menghadapi pertanyaan ini, seringkali pertanyaan ini dibingkai dengan konteks tentang benar atau tidak. Apakah Anda mempercayai pekerja Anda untuk membuat pilihan yang jujur dan etis? Pada kenyataan yang sering terjadi, pertanyaan tentang kepercayaan ini harusnya lebih tentang kompetensi manajerial dibandingkan moral personal. Masalah kepercayaan bahkan telah menjadi hal yang lebih penting dewasa ini dalam setiap organisasi untuk bertumbuh.
Berikut ini adalah contoh dari apa yang saya maksud. Anda menyadari bahwa sebuah tim Anda mengalami kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan proyek tepat waktu dan sesuai budget. Anda berbicara dengan pemimpin tim tersebut tapi dia tampaknya tidak mampu menemukan permasalahannya. Dia terlalu mempercayai timnya dan membiarkan anggota timnya mengerjakan apapun yang mereka mau. Karena timnya selalu memiliki performa yang baik di pekerjaan-pekerjaan sebelumnya, pemimpin tim tersebut beranggapan bawa mereka akan menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Ia menjadi terlalu percaya, sedangkan Anda sebagai bossnya telah kehilangan kepercayaan Anda dalam kepemimpinannya serta kehilangan kepercayaan akan performa tim tersebut.

Olive Leaves / Extract For Diabetes And Weight Loss

By J E Block M.D., PhD,FACP
Eating carbohydrates raises your blood sugar; and you probably know you need to avoid them.  But that’s not quite as easy as it sounds, is it? What if there was an easy, natural way to decrease the effect of carbohydrates on your blood sugar? A way that would let you eat a few carbohydrates without suffering the consequences – would you be interested? 
A study from Israel, the land of olive trees, has found that the leaves from olive trees contain several biologically active compounds that have the ability to lower blood sugar. The researchers took 79 men and women with type-2 diabetes, and divided them into two groups. For 14 weeks, one group took just one 500 mg tablet of olive leaf extract each day, while the others took a placebo. Guess what? The patients treated with olive leaf extract had significantly lower A1c levels, indicating that their body was controlling their blood sugar much better than the placebo group. This was without any changes in their diets. They also had lower fasting insulin levels when they woke up in the morning. Now to me, this is even more interesting. 

Minggu, 07 April 2013

How to Become an Expert

by Carl Beuke, Ph.D
What can we learn from world-class performers?

In any profession, most people are average performers, some are terrible, and a few are outstanding. What makes the difference? Over the past thirty years, research has examined how people attain world-class performance in sport, chess, music, medicine, science, aviation, and the military. What can these top performers teach you about how to become good at your job?

It's not about talent

Many people believe that it takes a special, inborn talent to become highly skilled in a particular area. There is evidence that IQ is often a reasonable predictor of job performance, and physical attributes (e.g. height, eyesight) influence some skills. Yet efforts to identify individuals with specific 'talents' prior to instruction and practice have not been very successful. There is evidence that top performance universally requires extensive practice, and research has shown that individuals specifically identified as 'ordinary' rather than talented can become exceptionally skilled in many fields with the right training. The bottom line is that you will attain more success by focusing on what you can improve, rather than worrying about whether you are talented enough.

New Strategy May Be Valid Alternative To Traditional Antibiotics

Certainly there is strength in numbers, but only if those numbers can effectively communicate with one another. Now, a new study finds that administration of a novel small molecule which effectively disrupts a key bacterial communication process protects an animal host from infection. The research, published in the July 31st issue of the journal Molecular Cell, may lead to more effective treatments for bacterial infection that won't encourage growth of treatment resistant bacteria.

Bacteria use a process called "quorum sensing" to communicate information about population density and to synchronously engage in group behaviors that promote bacterial pathogenesis. "Quorum sensing allows bacteria to collectively carry out tasks that would be unsuccessful if carried out by an individual bacterium acting alone," explains senior study author Dr. Bonnie L. Bassler from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Department of Molecular Biology at Princeton University.

Kepada Siapa Penghargaan Itu Layak Diberikan?

Dalam kehidupan kita, ada banyak orang baik yang bersedia memberikan penghargaan atas kontribusi orang lain. Dalam konteks pekerjaan, ini diwujudkan mulai dari sekedar ucapan terimakasih dari atasan. Bonus dan insentif dari perusahaan. Atau, mungkin namanya disebutkan dan dituliskan dalam sebuah acara atau media yang bergengsi. Tetapi, tidak semua orang mendapatkan penghargaan, meskipun sesungguhnya mereka memiliki andil. Misalnya, jika perusahaan memberikan penghargaan atas kinerja saya, maka sesungguhnya, bukan hanya saya yang layak mendapatkan penghargaan atau pujian itu. Melainkan, semua orang yang turut berkontribusi pada pencapaian itu.

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